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Do's and Don'ts of Theater Etiquette

Updated: Jul 5, 2021

Dancers have a big job on the day of the recital. But so do parents: to be energetic and respectful audience members! Read through our do's and don't of theater etiquette so you and others can enjoy the show!

DO arrive early! Always remember: "Early is on time, on time is late" Plan to leave your home with extra time to spare. This is true for our performers and our audience members. You should be in your seat when the show is starting, not looking for your row in the dark.

DON'T get up and down during the performance. Do your best to stay in your seat through the performance. Use the restroom beforehand and if you do have to excuse yourself, do so quickly and quietly in between two dances. You wouldn't want to block the view of a grandma watching her granddaughter's first dance recital.

DO clap loudly. Our dancers feed off of your energy. You can even clap during the dance if you see something your find entertaining or impressive!

But, DON'T yell out your dancers name or wave. While we want you to clap and cheer, it can be distracting if a dancer hears someone calling their name or trying to wave at them.

DO dress up! This is a special occasion for your dancer: a culmination of their year of hard work. It shows them that you care about their work when you take the time to look your best. (Theater Tip: Always bring a sweater or jacket... sometimes theaters are very cold!)

DON'T eat in the theater. Unlike a sports game or movie theater, it is disrespectful to eat while watching a live performance. It also causes the theater to become dirty. Elkhorn does not allow food or drink in the theater.

DON'T be on your phone. The cell phone light shining is distracting for both other audience members and performers. It is also disappointing for a dancer to look out into the audience and see the glow on someone's face watching a Tik Tok instead of their dance. Your phone should be turned off. And NEVER take a call during a performance.

DON'T take photos or videos. If you would like to relive the performance you can order a DVD through the Studio!

DO ENJOY THE SHOW! Our kids have worked hard this year! There is a lot of talent that is up on the stage so enjoy it and cheer them on!

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